Just Hands

We are a hand therapy clinic located in the Apollo Health & Wellness Centre building in Albany. Call us at 09 479 8952 for an appointment.

What is Hand Therapy?

"Hand Therapy is the art and science of rehabilitation of the upper extremity. It involves evaluation and specific testing to assess the injured limb from which treatment goals can be set. A variety of specialised modalities are utilised to achieve these goals."

- Chai et al (1987) A Role Delineation Study of Hand Therapy. J Hand Ther Vol 1(1)


Hand Therapists are registered Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists who, through continuing education, clinical experience and independent study have become proficient in the treatment of upper extremity conditions resulting from trauma, disease and congenital deformity.

what should i bring to my initial appointment?

It is extremely helpful for us if you can bring with you any of the following that are relevant to your injury:

  • X-ray, ultrasound, CT or MRI reports

  • Hospital discharge summary papers

  • Operation notes or post surgery specialist follow-up letters

  • Referral form from your General Practitioner, Accident & Emergency, hospital, surgeon or Physio.


How long will I need therapy?

This is a common question asked by many patients. Although the question itself is a simple one, the answer is much more difficult. The answer is… it depends. Each person is different and therefore, each heals at a different rate. 

Pain, motivation, compliance and general health all contribute to recovery rates. Your therapist should be able to give you an expected time frame for therapy after your first visit.


Will I need a splint, cast or brace?

It depends on your particular injury and the treatment that we believe will ensure the earliest and most complete recovery.

do i need a gp referral first or can i come directly to just hands?

No, we can see both private and Acc self-referred clients without needing a prior referral from a GP, specialist or other practitioner, just get in contact with us for an appointment and our friendly receptionist will guide you through the process. Once seen by the hand therapist, you can be referred on for appropriate radiology imaging or to get a specialist opinion if requiring further input.